Category Archives: Diabetes Diet

Controlling Your Diabetes By Eating Right

If you want to manage your diabetes properly, you have to adjust your diet so that your glucose level is at a consistent level. This is not difficult to do if you know the right foods to eat and if you stick to regular eating schedule. By just planning ahead, these adjustments do not have to interfere with your way of life. This article will provide you with some tips on how you can easily manage your diabetes through good diet and healthy living habits. Whenever you […]

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What Should Diabetics Eat?

A healthy diet can help diabetics keep blood glucose levels under control. Although you may be afraid to eat anything, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Find out how to keep your blood sugar under control and limit the severity of your diabetes. The type of diabetes you have, your weight and the extent of your condition all affect the food choices you should make. For example, type I diabetics should consume less protein than type II diabetics. Type I diabetics are more likely to […]

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Managing Sweets In Your Diet When You Have Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may believe that you can never enjoy sweets again, but this simply isn’t true. You must simply learn to be moderate if you wish to enjoy occasional sweets in your diet. This may sound hard if you have always had a sweet tooth, but you may be surprised to find that the longer you maintain a healthy, natural diet, the less your sweet tooth will demand. Read on to learn how you can enjoy occasional sweets in your diet, […]

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Tips for Eating Healthy with Diabetes

The most important thing about diabetes is changing your eating habits. A good diet is your best tool to fight the disease. The content, portion size and timing of meals become more and more important. The tips in this article are going to help you eat and manage your diabetes well. For starters, watch your sugar intake. This can be tough, because sugar hides where you least expect it. For instance, fruit juice often has high fructose corn syrup inside it. Alcohol is recognized by the body […]

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